Personal Real Estate Agent Websites

Personal Real Estate Agent Websites

People who are looking for a good agent to sell their property are looking for an agent with the edge, someone who is aware of digital marketing and someone with the team and resources to get them the best price for selling their property.

In the new era of online search vendors can do all of their research online, and they do. They look for information about selling their property but they also want to learn about good agents in their area and if they zero in on you, they’ll research you and try to find out as much as possible about you. They’ll explore your past sales, they’ll learn a bit about the kind of person you are and they’ll look for rating or reviews to form their own opinion of you. They can do all of this research at property portals, on directory sites or on social media sites and if they like you and make contact well done! How does that help you when the next property seller comes along?

You Need Some Online Cred

Becoming an authority online is much more than just building a website although having your own is VERY important and these are the things you need to be aware of regarding having your own website:

  • Domain Name and DNS Management
  • Website hosting,
  • Website security,
  • Sales focussed layout,
  • Niche landing pages
  • Technical and Content Optimisation
  • Lead capturing capabilities,
  • Readership analytics, and
  • Marketing automation
  • List building
  • Message distribution
  • Social media and communities

Outsource Your Online Credibility Management and Marketing

Thankfully we can take care of all of it for you. When Google change their algorithms, new platforms appear and technology (like mobile phones) changes the way people use the Internet and communicate with you, we can help you. Leading search engines want to see relevant content from your real estate agent website and you’ll receive personal and online training and support so that your existing team can updated your content if need be.

You Are Your Own Brand

People buy from and deal with other people, not logo’s, not brand names. Brand names and logos are important because they demonstrate to vendors a benchmark of service delivery, but that will only get you so far – you’ll need to show vendors why YOU are the best person at your agency and in your local area. When people are selling their home they’ll be speaking with you constantly, often several times a day (as you know) and they’ll want to make sure that they pick the right person.

Because you are the brand you need to manage all your brand activity in one central place to ensure that EVERY vendor goes through the exceptional customer service process and understand how you do your work.

When you provide potential property sellers with all the information they need from your own website you’ll spend your online marketing effort to ensure your brand grows stronger and stronger.

Social Media is an Extention of the Internet

Social media profiles on Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Pinterest etc etc are important because they enable vendors to research and learn new things about you before they make contact, so its very important that no matter where they look they see the same consistent message. Most importantly the result need to come back to YOU.

Your personal real estate agent website is important because you can measure your progress, conversion and traffic every day and you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work. If something doesn’t work you’ll then have the tools to tweak and change your message to get an even better result.

See our Showcase Real Estate Agent Personal Website