Marketing Numbers

Which Advertising and Marketing Channel is Your Most Successful?

How do you know the money you’re spending on advertising is working?

Marketing numbers help you keep track of the performance of all your online and offline advertising, including billboards, radio spots, display creative and more. By adding a trackable phone number  to your traditional or online marketing messages, you can measure the success of ALL your marketing effort, make better marketing decisions and allocate your advertising dollars towards the ads that drive new business.

How Much Does it Cost?

The call rates are just like a normal VoIP service with a monthly fee for the number and a cost per call. You can divert your marketing number to a landline anywhere in Australia for a fixed fee of 10c, to an international number or to your mobile. We can even have it ring one number and a series of other numbers using the Follow-Me service.

The best part is that if you are pointing your marketing numbers to a landline there are no timed charges like you get when you sign up for a 1300 special number.

See our VoIP rates

What Do You Get?

Your monthly phone bill comes with a text file of every call that is made using each marketing number. You get to see the callers information, when they called and how long they were on the phone. Get the full picture with report details pinpointing the time, duration and caller ID of each call.

With some intermediate Microsoft Excel skills you can get some very interesting statistics about the effectiveness of your advertising dollars.

Test and Measure your Results

John Wanamaker coined the popular saying that illustrates how difficult it was to reach potential customers using traditional advertising:

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”30″ size_format=”px”][quote]Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I don’t know which half![/quote][/typography]

With the advent of internet marketing, search engines, cookies, social media, hit rates, conversions, affiliate programs and the dozens of measurable marketing tools available today, business owners are spending more time on analytics to understand which marketing programs are working and which ones are not. Google Analytics is changing the way people think about their websites, but did you realise you can measure the success of your marketing using marketing numbers?

Using VoIP numbers for specific marketing programs, marketing professionals, SEO experts and website designers are now able to track the effectiveness of their programs. In the case of SEO experts, they can now demonstrate their success by the number of calls to their programs.

How Does it Work?

Sign up for the number of marketing numbers you need and let us know where you want them to ring. From your customers perspective the experience will be the same because all customers will call your main incoming number, but you will have detailed stats about what is working and what is not.

You can even combine one marketing number with a special offer and measure the calls to the number of sales of your special offer. The options are unlimited and your numbers can be set up within 48 hours (usually sooner).

Our numbers are provided with no long-term contracts so you can cancel whenever you want and the more numbers you sign up, the lower your cost.

This service is only available to existing virion customers.

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VoIP Business Telephone System Handsets

VoIP handsets enable your small business to take advantage of the functionality and flexibility of a hosted CloudPBX. These handsets can be located in remote offices like staff or contractors homes or even interstate or international offices.

Learn more about Business Telephone System Handsets

Business Telephone System Call Flow Scenarios

Do you want to see how most people handle the calls with their business telephone system? These call flow scenarios enable you to quickly choose from the most common choices and can help you get a good solution quickly.

Business Telephone System Scenarios

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