Success! Thanks for registering for a business grade voip service through virion (123 Group Pty Ltd).
Technical implementation
If your initial payment was successful a VIRION support representative will make contact with you to confirm your order and prepare the implementation of your new telephony services.
Please feel free to contact support if you have any questions regarding your new services. Every step of the implementation is managed at our dedicated support portal so you can see exactly what is happening with your new telephony services.
VIRION business voip operates at very low margins so our credit terms of 14 days from the beginning of the month are designed to give you a confirmation & reconciliation period where you can make queries regarding your monthly statements if there is anything you don’t understand before the payment is deducted from your credit card or bank account.
Visit our support site to download the virion Direct Debit Authority Form. Print it out, complete the information and fax it to the fax number at the top of the form or scan and email it to us.
[button link=””]Complete your new account signup[/button]