virion business voip phone systems VoIP Call Rates

Low VoIP calling rates

virion uses the highest business grade vodecs and whitelist international carriers to ensure that along with cheap call rates, your business has the highest voice quality. These rates are approximately half of Telstra’s normal retail call rates which represent a huge saving. Prices do not include GST and are available on the Stratus Call Plan with Direct Debit authority.
Calls to local numbers 10c untimed
Calls to national landlines 10c untimed
Calls from extension to extension FREE
Calls to Australian mobile numbers 18c per minute billed by the second and no flag-fall
Popular International Destinations
Charged by the minute
China 3.9c
Singapore 2.9c
UK 2.9c
USA 2.9c
New Zealand 2.9c
Hong Kong 2.9c
Taiwan 2.9c
Canada 2.1c

virion International_calling_rates full list

Your Internet connection, network configuration and equipment influences call quality.

By Steve Slisar

We've used educational marketing to help students learn digital skills and how to use accounting, office administration, digital marketing, customer service and online sales skills. These skills help people find work, run better businesses and do a better job for their customers.