Content Marketing Digital Marketing Email Marketing Google Analytics Omnichannel Marketing

MailChimp offers free Google ReTargeting Service

I wrote recently about OmniChannel marketing and some readers weren’t sure what this means – essentially it means using lots of different ways of reaching potential customers using services like Twitter, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, MailChimp and other email marketing software etc.

When you use each of these digital marketing tools separately they can be a LOT of hard work so the best thing to do is create a digital strategy that leverages tasks that you can do easily from your mobile phone like Facebook posts or Instagram shares, but that you can use several times.

Email Marketing

Is business quiet right now? Wish you could send a quick message to past clients?

I’ve spoke to all sorts of business lately from tradies, shop keepers and car repairers and what stands out most is how they feel when their business is quiet. What many business owners don’t realise (unless they have a good network of business owning friends) is that if their business is slow there is a good chance that many other businesses are also slow.

It’s times like these that the cheapest way of getting new sales is by sending an email to your past clients and give them a good reason to buy or use your services NOW.